Hey everybody, this is B. Last weekend, JM and I went to a birthday party in Georgetown. The hosts decided to reserve a room at Garrett’s in Georgetown (check them out at www.garrettsdc.com). It was a blast. I would definitely recommend the place if you want to go to Georgetown, but don’t necessary want all the pretentiousness that sometimes comes along with it.
While we were there enjoying the night with friends, JM and I happened to find ourselves sitting at the bar talking to one of the bartenders. I don’t know about you, but I find that making friends with the bartender should be a top priority at the beginning of every night out. Your drinks come faster, stronger, and sometimes freer! So while talking with Larry*, the bartender, he started giving us sample shots of pretty much anything with a name that sounded like it could have been it’s own reality TV show (again this is why making friends with bartenders = awesome).
By the end of the night, our conversations and the flowing drinks got me thinking…should a really good bartender be classified as a chef? They mix and match several ingredients to try to make the perfect combination. If you aren’t satisfied with your order, you might send it back (at the risk of having an unwanted something extra added to the ingredients of your next round). If they’re victorious with their creation, you might give them your compliments (or a big tip). A good bartender will, just like a top chef, prepare your drink with some flair and impressive presentation skills. So what do you think? Is a good bartender really a chef-in-disguise? Leave your thoughts in the Comments!
Thanks for reading!
*name has been changed.
Making friends with the bartender is key! I think a good bartender is definitely like a chef of sorts.